Thank you for your interest in Indian Peroxide Ltd. (IPL). We manufacture and supply high grade, premium quality Hydrogen Peroxide. IPL produces Hydrogen Peroxide in 35%, 50% and 60% chemical grade. The world class facility has a capacity of 150 TPD. Chemical supply is available in 30 kg and 50 kg carboys and tanker transport system of 15-20 ton capacity.

Source directly or become our distributor

Why become our distributor?

    Best Rates
    IPL offers best wholesale rate to maximize distributor and end user profitability.

    Best Quality
    State of the art Swedish technology ensures high yield, capacity and quality.

    Timely Delivery
    At IPL we believe in timely delivery of product ensuring utmost customer satisfaction.

    High Production
    Understanding the need of the usage and requirement of Hydrogen peroxide in market the production process is high and quick.